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Our local government should be held accountable for the decisions they make.  Without Integrity and Transparency on their part, the citizens cannot hold their elected officials accountable.  â€‹


I will continue my work towards a more transparent and accountable city government.




City council workshops are an important part of the process.  It is a time for city staff to present information and council to discuss items that will be coming before council for a vote.  


These workshops are streamed live and open to the public BUT there is NO written record, minutes, or archived video of the workshops.


I will continue to advocate for open and transparent council workshop minutes and videos to be produced and published.






The City of Woodbury has a very extensive budget workshop in September. 


The budget workshop begins at 4:00 p.m. and often continues well past 10:00 p.m. This is too long for most people to "tune in" to the discussions of the council and the presentation of city staff for each fund. 


I will CONTINUE to advocate for these budget meetings to be spread over a series of smaller meetings which will allow council and staff to dig deep into each fund and allow the public to attend and ask questions.



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